DC2 Dashboard Articles

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Unforeseen circumstances within, DC and DC2 technology have led to significant downtime and frustrating outages for many of you recently. We know how critical of a role this technology plays in your day-to-day operations, and we can’t express how truly sorry we are for the inconveniences this has caused.

We have made the decision to revert to the old for the time being (effective Monday, April 10th) as we continue further research and development. At this time, it appears that the issues we have been facing with DC and DC2 are directly correlated to dependencies within the new

Additionally, with your help, we have been gathering feedback from ALL audiences since the new website was launched and we feel this decision will also allow us to ensure we are providing our valued customers, with all the tools, features and proper user experiences they have told us they preferred about the old

The National office will continue to work diligently behind the scenes to incorporate the necessary precautionary measures needed to ensure this does not happen again.

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