*Credit card processing has been reinstated.
As you are aware, we still have data that is currently unavailable from Friday, March 17th – Thursday, March 23rd. Below are next steps for how you can handle this gap in event entry data in order to get to them as quickly as possible:
1.) Reconcile your tournament entries between 3/17 and 3/23.
2.) If a team ENTERED an event during that time frame, please put them back into that event within DC.
3.) If a team ENTERED & PAID for an event during that time frame, please put them back into that event and mark them as PAID in the system using the adjustment tool.
4.) If a team was CREATED during this window and then ENTERED or PAID, they will not currently be in the system. Enter them as a “TBD” team and make note of these use cases if it is for an event this weekend you need to produce a schedule for.
The highest priority for the Tech Team right now is to get the teams created during the 3/17-3/23 window BACK into the system. If for any reason we are unable to get this reconciled by Wednesday, we will provide a mechanism to do this manually.
Please make sure to tell teams they DO NOT need to pay again for any transaction that occurred between 3/17-3/23. We have that money; they do not need to pay again.
We greatly appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.